Effortless Zero Defect

VIUN is a team of experts in manufacturing, computer vision, machine learning, software engineering, and security, all dedicated to achieving effortless zero defect in manufacturing.

Our Partners
World Map Image - Techfy X Webflow Template
BG Container V16 Image - Techfy X Webflow Template
2018 - First prototype of AI-powered inline inspection of circuit breakers

How VIUN started

VIUN was founded by Lucas Vandroux, who saw the need for a simpler solution while preparing datasets for automated visual inspection. He realized that factory floor operators, with their deep knowledge of product quality, should be the ones guiding AI models. VIUN was created to make a defect catalog that is both easy to use and integrate, allowing every operator to harness the full potential of AI and computer vision in manufacturing.

Completed projects
4 years
Founded in 2020

Our values

How we interact as a team, but also with all our stakeholders, and most importantly with our customers.

Be Kind

Foster empathy and respect, listening is as important as being heard.

Leave it Better

Commit to leaving every situation, project, and environment better than you found it.

Own What You Do

Take full ownership and responsibility for your actions and their outcomes.

Keep it Simple

Simplicity and clarity in everything you do, from communication to problem-solving.

Default to Transparency

Embrace honesty. No hidden agendas, just transparent communication.

Have Fun Learning

Prioritize continuous learning and development, but don't forget to have fun.

Our offices

We are a fully async and remote team around the world, with our legal headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.


Our team is fully remote around the world, but when we meet, we do it in Zurich, Switzerland.